spaceflight, technology, anime, politics, and whatever else I feel like writing about

The TiduxCore

An abstract fake retro console for modern 2D cross-platform game development.

The Motivation

Modern game development sucks. More and more time is spent on extraneous bullshit like input handling, playing nicely with the rest of the preemptive multitasking SMP network-capable OSes that were originally written as Internet servers rather than …

Caveman Urbanism

or why work from home is Hell on men

Anyone who has ever owned a cat, or spent any amount of time looking at cats being silly on the Internet, knows that cats generally prefer to sit in tight spaces, so that they can physically feel reassurance that nothing can …

Multiple OS Personality Disorder

or, Win10, WSL, and the Impending Death of OSX

From its very beginnings, Apple advertised OS X as "Unix for people who don't want to deal with Linux on their laptop, that also runs MS Office and Adobe stuff." Given the rather dire state of laptop hardware support on Linux …


The modern web has a disturbing tendency towards overengineering things. This is probably because most """web sites""" are actually huge multi user applications with JavaScript frontends that exceed GNU Emacs in size, complexity, and memory footprint. Even many of the "static site generators" are stupidly overcomplicated if all you need …

Blogging with Pelican and Syncthing

Over the past few months I found that I was spending more time and effort rsyncing my writing directory between systems than I was actually writing blog posts, which is in part why I made so few of them. This was stupid, as it flies in the face of …

Praise Kek and Check 'em: Religion in the Age of the Internet

The Internet, that great achievement of science and technology, is developing its own religion. This isn't immediately obvious to outsiders, in part because the same people most likely to believe are also the most likely to understand that Christianity is still the best moral and ethical system for the masses …


Donald Trump is the President-Elect as confirmed by the Electoral College. We are now in the Mosins on Mars timeline. Thank God almighty we didn't get stuck with the crazy bitch who would have started WWIII instead.

Can't Fool the Mule

An Explanation of the Trump Phenomenon to Asimov Fans

Many of you are probably wondering how Donald Trump is so successful as a Presidential candidate. You might also be wondering how it is that the left and the right wings of the establishment, supposedly mortal enemies in this oh so …

Laptops and Licenses

Today has been a most satisfyingly productive day. I tested how well Haiku OS runs on a tiny 16GB USB drive that barely sticks out of the port on my Thinkpad T530 (spoiler alert: it works fucking GREAT), and used it as a developer workstation for porting unix applications to …